3D Model Cinema 4D
Minecraft Model Pack v. Steve Rigs v. 1. Item Pack v. Mob Pack v. 1. 0. Cinema 4. D Other Fan Art Fan Art Show Your Creation Minecraft Forum. Bad Sectors Repair Software more. Cinema 4. D Minecraft Packs and Rigs. For all you Cinema 4. D users wanting to do Minecraft stuff, here are a few packs to help you getting started. These are all free to download as well, except the paid rig at the end but theres also a free rig up for download so dont worry if you dont want to or arent able to pay for anything. You can use these anywhere you want. Pictures, animations, avatars, wallpapers etc, but credits would obviously be appreciated as Ive spend a lot of time working on these packs. To make things easier, here are links you can click to instantly scroll to whatever you wish to download Model pack. Item pack. Mob pack. Free Steve Rig. Paid Steve Rig 1. More advanced and tons of more features Cinema 4. D Tutorials. Downloads for other programs Blender, 3. DS Max and MayaI dont really know what more to put here so Ill just get right to it Model Pack. This is a pack Ive been working on for quite a while now. Im still actively working on it and it will be updated once in a while with new blocks, items, mobs etc. It was first started off as just a few models for the pictures at real life minecraft tumblr but I decided to expand it and give it out for free. I cant promise Ill be able to finish this 1. I dont get any money for what I do and I have other things I should focus on too. List of all models included in version v. Natural Bedrock. Clay. Cobblestone. Cobblestone MossyCobweb. Dirt. Dirt GrassDirt MyceliumDirt SnowGravel. Buy Vectorworks, Bluebeam, Solibri CINEMA 4D in Canada. Resolve Software Solutions offers complete evaluation downloads, training support. These objects are freely usable for your personal or commercial 3D art and animations. The 3D models are available in POVRay, Cinema 4D andor Wavefront OBJ formats. VWVan.jpg' alt='3D Model Cinema 4D' title='3D Model Cinema 4D' />Cinema4dtutorial. Today we are officially 100 ready to provide you with the best visual effects tutorials, 3D animation, 3D models and more. D Model Cinema 4D' title='3D Model Cinema 4D' />
Gravel New TextureIce. Mobspawner. Obsidian. Sand. Sandstone. Sandstone DecorativeSandstone SmoothStone. Stone Brick. Stone Brick CrackedStone Brick MossyIm aware not all of these are natural but I added some other blocks to keep it easier to findMechanism Button Stone User Data to pushButton Planks User Data to pushDispenser. Door Steel User Data to opencloseDoor Wood User Data to opencloseLever User Data to pullNote Block. Piston Normal User Data to expandPiston Sticky User Data to expandPressure Plate Nether Bricks User Data to pushPressure Plate Planks User Data to pushPressure Plate Stone User Data to pushRails NormalRails CurvedRails DetectorRails Powered OnRails Powered OffTrapdoor User Data to opencloseMechanism Redstone Redstone Dust On 4 sidesRedstone Dust On 3 sidesRedstone Dust On 2 sidesRedstone Dust On LineRedstone Dust Off 4 sidesRedstone Dust Off 3 sidesRedstone Dust Off 2 sidesRedstone Dust Off LineRedstone Dust 3. D On 2 sidesRedstone Dust 3. D On 3 sidesRedstone Dust 3. D On 4 sidesRedstone Dust 3. D On LineRedstone Dust 3. D Off 2 sidesRedstone Dust 3. D Off 3 sidesRedstone Dust 3. D Off 4 sidesRedstone Dust 3. D Off LineRedstone Lamp OnRedstone Lamp OffRedstone Repeater OnRedstone Repeater OffRedstone Torch OnRedstone Torch OffOther Bed. Bookshelf. Bricks. Cake User Data to eatChest User Data to opencloseChest Double User Data to opencloseChest HollowCircle Stone. Enchantment Table. Enderchest. Enderchest HollowEnd Stone. Farmland WetFarmland DryFence CornerFence EndFence Four SidesFence MiddleFence SingleFence Three SidesFence Gate User Data to opencloseFurnace OffFurnace OnGlass. Glass ThinIron Bars. Iron Bars MiddleJukebox. Ladder. Ladder FlatLava. Minecart. Minecart ChestMinecart FurancePlanks. Planks BirchPlanks PinePlanks JungleSign. Sign On blockSlab BricksSlab CobblestoneSlab DirtSlab Grass User DataSlab NetherrackSlab Nether BricksSlab PlanksSlab SandstoneSlab StoneSlab Stone BricksSlab Stone DoubleSponge. Stairs BricksStairs Bricks Inner CornerStairs Bricks Outer CornerStairs CobblestoneStairs Cobblestone Inner CornerStairs Cobblestone Outer CornerStairs Nether BricksStairs Nether Bricks Inner CornerStairs Nether Bricks Outer CornerStairs PlanksStairs Planks Inner CornerStairs Planks Outer CornerStairs Planks BirchStairs Planks Birch Inner CornerStairs Planks Birch Outer CornerStairs Planks JungleStairs Planks Jungle Inner CornerStairs Planks Jungle Outer CornerStairs Planks PineStairs Planks Pine Inner CornerStairs Planks Pine Outer CornerStairs SandstoneStairs Sandstone Inner CornerStairs Sandstone Outer CornerStairs StoneStairs Stone Inner CornerStairs Stone Outer CornerStairs Stone CrackedStairs Stone Cracked Inner CornerStairs Stone Cracked Outer CornerStairs Stone MossyStairs Stone Mossy Inner CornerStairs Stone Mossy Outer CornerTNT User Data to control color and sizeTorch. Water. Workbench. Events Christmas Candy Cane. Long Present User Data to customizeOrnament User Data to customizePresent User Data to customizeSnow User Data for amountSnowball. Snowman. Sock. Star. Tree. Wreath. Mods Christmas Festivities By eekysam. Cake. Candle Color ControlsCandy Beacon. Candy Leaves. Candy Log. Candy Planks. Candy Table. Chiseled Ice Bricks. Christmas Light Plug. Cracked Ice Bricks. Door IronDoor WoodFern. Frosted Window Pane. Grass. Ice. Ice Bricks. Jukebox. Lights. Mint. Mint GrowNote Block. Ornament. Portal Snow Globe. Install Certificate On Exchange 2013 Cu12. Snow Globe. Suger Cane. Thin Candle. Ores Custom Ore User Data to customize colorCoal Ore. Diamond Ore. Emerald Ore GreenEmerald Ore RedGold Ore. Iron Ore. Lapis Lazuli Ore. Redstone Ore. Paintings Painting 1x. Painting 1x. 1 2Painting 1x. Painting 1x. 1 4Painting 1x. Painting 1x. 1 6Painting 1x. Painting 1x. 2 1Painting 1x. Painting 1x. 2 3Painting 1x. Painting 1x. 2 5Painting 2x. Painting 2x. 1 2Painting 2x. Painting 2x. 2 2Painting 2x. Painting 2x. 2 4Painting 2x. Painting 2x. 4 1Painting 3x. Painting 3x. 4 2Painting 4x. Painting 4x. 4 2Painting 4x. Ores Mineral Blocks Dianond Block. Gold Block. Iron Block. Lapis Lazuli Block. Plants Custom Flower User Data to customize colorCactus StickCactus TopCocoa Plant 1 of 3Cocoa Plant 2 of 3Cocoa Plant 3 of 3Dead Bush. Flower CyanFlower RoseFlower YellowLeaves FastLeaves. Melon. Melon Pumpkin Grown Stem. Melon Pumpkin Stem User Data to control growth and colorMushroom RedMushroom BrownMushroom Huge User Data to customize colorMushroom Huge Top BrownMushroom Huge Top RedMushroom Huge Stick. Pumpkin. Pumpkin Jack o lanternSapling. Sapling BirchSapling PineSapling JungleSugar Cane. Wild Grass. Wood. Wood BirchWood PineWood JunglePlants Wheat Wheat 1 of 8Wheat 2 of 8Wheat 3 of 8Wheat 4 of 8Wheat 5 of 8Wheat 6 of 8Wheat 7 of 8Wheat 8 of 8Wheat Grow User Data to control growthNether Glowstone. Nether Brick. Nether Fence CornerNether Fence EndNether Fence Four SidesNether Fence MiddleNether Fence SingleNether Fence Three SidesNether Portal Animated textureNether Wart 1 of 3Nether Wart 2 of 3Nether Wart 3 of 3Nether Wart Grow User Data to control growthNetherrack. Soul Sand. Wool Wool Universal User Data to control custom colorWool BlackWool BlueWool BrownWool CyanWool GrayWool GreenWool Light BlueWool Light GrayWool LimeWool MagentaWool OrangeWool PinkWool PurpleWool RedWool WhiteWool YellowExtra Chair. Mortal Kombat 2 Snes Game Genie'>Mortal Kombat 2 Snes Game Genie. Frying Pan. Full Grass Block. Full Mycelium Block.